Monday, May 20, 2013

officially.....and for the record

Yes..... I admit it.  I am a slacker.  I haven't added to my blog in a few days.  And I could come up with a ton of excuses.....

No one reads it anyway....

Who sees it other than me?

Are there other things that I could be doing?

The answer?  It doesn't matter if no one else sees it.  And sure, there are other things I could be doing but I'm doing this now!  And if no one else reads it, well.... I guess that's alright.  This has become more of a project FOR me than about me.  With that being said, here's some fun to help you waste some time.  I'll try not to waste any more of mine! 

Well, you can't have the History of Rap - Part 1 without adding parts 2, 3, & 4.... enjoy!!


  1. well, to your credit, you WERE attending a wedding reception this weekend!

  2. You could snag pics of yourself off my blog and post them...just sayin' :)
