Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Win by race....??

Now, I'm not even sure what to think about this.  Part of me wants to scream that he should be removed - even if he did win - for misleading the constiuents in the district.  The other part of me thinks this guy is brilliant.  He knew he didn't have a chance in hell to win that seat being an older, white man.  He employed campaign tactics that won him the election.  I mean, come on..... we've gotten so used to politicians lying about everything else..... should we be shocked when a politician lies about his own race to win an election?  I don't think so.  I think if you asked any politician - off the record, of course - they'd admit that they would slap their mommas if they thought it would help win an election. 

So, the bigger question here:  are we still so divided that a candidate can win by forging his race?  It would seem that way.  And if we are, who's creating the divide?  It's something to think about.....