Tuesday, October 29, 2013

epic fail

Now here's a tale of an epic fail.....

I'm trying to implement healthier habits into my life.  Eat healthier, stay away from sweets, have an annual physical, and get some exercise.  So, when I woke up this morning at 5:30, I figured I'd go for a walk.  I put on my work out clothes, grabbed my iPhone for some walking music, and headed out the door.  All was right with the world until....

I decided I'd make a big loop this time, but doing so would require me to walk down Route 33 - for those in this area, Staples Mill Rd.  Needless to say, I didn't think there'd be that much traffic at 6:00AM.  There was. And they were flying by me.  And the wind the cars kicked up was quite cold.  BRRRRR!!! 

By the time I got off Route 33 and onto Springfield Rd., I thought I'd be okay.  Once again - epic fail.  I was so cold at this point that when I went to move my arms, my muscles cramped.  I couldn't feel them.  My legs were burning because my body didn't want to move any more due to the temperature.  I had to call my son to come rescue me.  Not a great way to start the day.

All in all, though - I did accomplish a good walk.  I got in 4.9 miles.  But I had to take a 45 minute steaming hot shower to make sure my blood was circulating again.  Maybe I should just go to the gym......


Well, I was going to post pictures of my children.... very proud of them & thought I'd show them off for a bit.  But, alas.... Blogger is being a finicky bitch.  So, I'm taking that as a sign that I should wander off to bed and not worry about it for tonight.
Good night all!  Maybe next time I'll be able to post a few pictures.