Wednesday, May 22, 2013

i hate it when.....

Okay, I know that I promised to make this blog a place where I would look on the bright side.  Cynicism and bad attitudes - BE GONE!  But tonight..... well, tonight, I just can't do it!  I cannot muster the strength to be positive.  A foul woman completely pissed in my Cheerios tonight.  She and her pompous child were obnoxious and.... well, FOUL!  So, in the spirit of trying to erase the negativity from my life, I did what any other self-respecting individual would do.  I spewed my negativity all over her!!!! 

She showed up over an hour late for a high school drama performance because she was only interested in seeing her child.  Okay, I can forgive this because usually, I just want to see my kids do their best on stage as well.  But, she made every effort to make her child look better by insulting the other students.  Wait,.... HUH?  The ADULT tried to make her child appear to be a better performer than anyone else in the group by INSULTING THE OTHER CHILDREN!!!  I was floored!  Now, this went WAY beyond any form of defense for my own children..... this was simply a lack of human decency that had to be addressed.  So, since I'm a volunteer - not associated or paid to be a part of the program in anyway - I went in with guns blazing (queue the tumbleweed... roll the whistling soundtrack..... mark the spur-jingles.....).  I have never in my life felt the need to rip a new asshole on a person as I did this insane woman tonight.  Needless to say, I'm home writing up my blog.... she left way before I did and was in a bit of a snit.  Thanks to yours truly!!!

With all this - I can say:  1) I felt better - every bit of venom that I had stored up from my day got smeared all over this woman and her testy shit of a son.  2)  Shame on her!  Shame on her for not realizing that this rinky-dink high school drama program may be the only exposure that the majority of these students will ever receive simply because they do not have the monetary resources to BUY their way into performing troops the way she has managed for her daughter.  3)  It is sad that I even had to have this argument.  It is sad that these kids cannot be appreciated simply for the time and effort that they put into improving their craft.  It is sad that their hard work and dedication to something bigger than themselves cannot be appreciated for what it is.  It doesn't have to fit into every one's definition of beauty or art..... as long as what they did fits into THEIR personal definition of beauty or art.  The rest should be inconsequential.  The rest should be something for others to appreciate and respect.  It is sad that another adult does not recognize this.

There my rant is finished.... pass a cocktail.  In fact, pass several.  I plan on passing out tonight....

1 comment:

  1. the fact that she showed up over an hour late for the performance AND interrupted other people's enjoyment of the show would be justification for a boot up her ass!

    good on ya for ripping her a new one; bitch deserved it and more!
