Tuesday, December 17, 2013

for Jay in VA.....

My friend, Jay in VA, blogged these questions.  Now, I'm returning the favor....

1)  Which religion or faith do you belong to, if any?
Well, this is tough.  I was baptized Catholic (my mother was a Roman Catholic nun before she met my father).  We left the Catholic church and went to a Pentecostal church (which always scared the be-jezzus out of me because people would get to jumping up in down in the name of God and the balcony would shake.... I always thought it would fall and create a bloody massacre).  My family then joined the Mormon church.  So, I was baptized again but this time as a Mormon.  Then, my family members grew up and went different ways.  I went to a small Southern Baptist church for a while, but married a Methodist.  While we don't attend (I greatly dislike organized religion), I suppose I'm Methodist.  However, my mother converted to Judaism, and according to the Jewish faith, the religion of the family is determined by the mother (you got your brown eyes from your father, but you got your faith from me).  So, I suppose I'm a Catholi-Mormo-Methodi-Jew. 

2)  What is your opinion of Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays?
I don't have one.  I'd rather people say whatever they choose to say with kindness.  This argument has taken it to a whole new level.  I don't care..... just be nice to each other.

3)  Holiday music on the radio?  When and how much?
When - never before I've had at least a whiff of my Thanksgiving turkey.  I greatly dislike that we're now celebrating Hallo-giving-mas!!  How much - as little as possible.  Until some new Christmas songs are written, one person can only take so much of Burl Ives, Bing Crosby, and the tacky Christmas specials that come on television.

4)  When do you start decorating?  Do you?
When the kids were little, we'd decorate really big.  The house, the yard, everything.  Now that they're older (as in still at home but understands that Santa isn't real), we've scaled it down a bit.  We put up a tree and put lights on the bushes in the yard, but it's not the huge deal that it was in prior years.  And nothing gets taken out until at least December 1st.

5)  White lights or multi-colored?
Both!  That's my favorite part about Christmas - the lights!!  Makes me feel like I'm in a disco or something.....

6)  Gift cards, cash or actually shopped-for presents?
Depends on what the person asks for.  My boys have specifically asked for gift cards this year.  They want to pick out their own things after the holidays.  So, that's what they're getting.  My husband has asked for a pair of running shoes.... but he needs a special fit.  So, gift certificate it is.  He can go get them after the fact.  My daughter, on the other hand, has asked for picture frames so she has something to hang her photographs in (she is becoming quite the photographer) and blue paint so she can paint her room.  So I'm shopping for her.  And if any of you see them, please don't tell them what they're getting!! 

7)  Christmas cards and/or family update letters are..... kinda weird.  Not to sound all bah-humbugish and all, but if I haven't heard from you all year to the point that you've got to send me a letter to let me know what you've been doing all year, then let's call this one a wash.  Save the stamp.  If I get cards from people that I've been in touch with, then I'm cool with that and think it's very nice.  But, I'll be the first to admit that I'm terrible about sending Christmas cards.  I suck at it!!

8)  Snow is..... white??  I usually don't say the S-word from December to March.  Too scared it will tempt the S-gods to bring it on in droves.  I really should move to Florida or someplace where it's not an option.

9)  Have you been a good little boy or girl this year?  Yes, I've been a good little girl (except for a few drunken moments).

10) Rapid fire favorites:  Food - crab dip.  Dessert - buckeyes.  Drink - anything with alcohol.  Holiday movie - A Christmas Story (you'll shoot your eye out).  Holiday music - "I Heard the Bells."  Holiday tradition - we don't wrap a single present until Christmas eve, so we'll watch the Christmas eve mass on television and "wrap" with the Pope.  When the pope starts Homily, it's Latin for "wrap faster."

Bonus:  Christmas sex:  What have you done under the mistletoe?  Have you caught daddy kissing Santa Claus?  have you done it in a Santa suit?  did you come down the chimney?  Just how merry have you made Santa's helpers? 
Nope. I know, I'm boring.... But, before I got married, it was all about my family so that wouldn't just be odd, it would've been illegal.  After I got married, we had children and it was all about them.  We've spent many a Christmas night putting together toys until 4AM. But, we've also had some of the best laughs and the closest moments as a couple during the crazy holiday seasons.  I'll take that any day of the week and twice on Sundays.

Merry Christmas!  Happy Holidays!!

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